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Community projects

We accompany the management and development of community initiatives that build comprehensive development models and spaces of peace in the Gulf of Tribugá.

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El Costurero del Golfo

During the COVID-19 crisis, five women trained at Casa Múcura to make face masks, protecting their families and reducing biomedical waste on their beaches.


The initiative grew, training 120 women in six towns to create Sewing Workshops.

In total, more than 10,000 face masks, 300 cloth diapers and 2,000 ecological bags were produced.


Spaces for meeting and dialogue on menstrual education and garment production are promoted in this spaces.

This achievement was possible thanks to the support of local leaders, Indelida Palacios, Casa Múcura, AV STUDIO, Somos Martina, Fundación Poderosas, Marcela Posada, Smeralda Swimwear, Laura Laurens, Textiles LaFayette, Juana Perea and the Mayor's Office of Nuquí.

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Ancestral Knowledge Center
in Coquí

This space includes the School of Ancestral Knowledge, where the younger generations are taught local trades and manage the Museum of Local Crafts.This museum serves as a creative space to showcase the skills of the community.


Additionally, the center offers aHealing Shelter with Medicinal Plants, where visitors can explore ancient healing practices and gain insights into plant wisdom.

Together, these components promote and preserve the rich cultural heritage of Coqui.

This was a project created through a co-creation process between: The Community of Coquí, Casa Múcura and Fundación Organizmo, Jared Gradinger, Shelley Etkins and the Goethe Institute, Give Power Foundation.


Festival del Aguacero

The Downpour Festival is celebrated during African Heritage Month and coincides with the International Day for Biological Diversity.

Its purpose is to dignify and highlight ancestral crafts and knowledge, create environments of peace to honor the territory and its resources as sources of abundance, and promote local businesses and artists.

During the three days of the festival, a varied cultural program is carried out for attendees.

This project was co-created with the community of Coquí, Casa Múcura, Hotel Palodeagua, Colectivo COCO, Tambacum Musical Group, Casa Yow Surf y Mareia, Casa Balae, Somos Capazes, Colectivo Florece, Club Arusisurf.


Abrazar la Tierra


This book has been created in a participatory manner with various members of the Coquí community.

Throughout its production process, various spaces have been generated for reflecting on the importance of food, not only for generating self-sustaining economies but also for strengthening territorial autonomy, cultural practices, and environmental regeneration.

Within its kitchens, spaces of alchemy are where other possible futures are contemplated, and a connection is made with the legacy of ancestral spirituality and wisdom.

This project was made possible thanks to the entire Coquí community, Diana Posen and Daniel Posen, Zotea Experiencia Culinaria, Casa Múcura, Hammbre de Cultura, Carlos Montoya, María Andrea Pineda, Alejandro Silva, Alejandro Osses, Alejandra Salamanca, Alejandra Liévano, and Juanita Castaño.

La Casa de Todos

Together with the Arusí community we are creating a space of transformation and inspiration for the community, focused on young people and children in the area. Connecting new generations with their culture, sports and art to generate opportunities for sustainable growth around this knowledge.

Through co-creation sessions with the community of the Arusí district in Nuquí - Chocó, we accompanied the design and construction of  a space where connection with new generations is encouraged and we develop concepts of growth and sustainability in community in alliance with Hotel Madreagua, Nicolás Gómez, Ana Mesa, Become the Future and the Taap Foundation.

Partadó Entrepreneurship Center

We are in the process of co-creating with the women from the Partadó district the new entrepreneurship center that will host the local sewing workshop, a store to showcase their products, and a community creation space in partnership with the Give Power Foundation.

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